Date | Artist | Venue | Location |
1997-07-09 | Jeff Tweedy & Jay Bennett | Lounge Ax | Chicago, IL |
1. I Got You (At The End Of The Century) 2. New Madrid 3. Dreamer In My Dreams 4. Kingpin 5. Reflections On A Crystal Wind 6. Pecan Pie 7. Forget The Flowers 8. I Must Be High 9. Gun 10. Casino Queen 11. Hoodoo Voodoo 12. Feed Of Man 13. Hotel Arizona 14. The Lonely 1 15. Color Me Impressed 16. Someday Soon 17. We've Been Had 18. Outta Mind (Outta Sight) 19. Thirteen 20. Don't You Honey Me 21. Oklahoma USA 22. Sunken Treasure 23. The Long Cut |
1997-11-18 | Jeff Tweedy | Lounge Ax | Chicago, IL |
1. James Alley Blues 2. The Auld Triangle 3. Forget The Flowers 4. Via Chicago 5. Pecan Pie 6. That Year 7. Candyfloss 8. Hoodoo Voodoo 9. She's A Jar 10. Ever Fallen In Love 11. Henry & The H Bombs 12. I'm Always In Love 13. Wait Up 14. Screen Door 15. Acuff-Rose 16. Dash 7 17. I Got You (At The End Of The Century) 18. How To Fight Loneliness 19. Box Full Of Letters 20. Thirteen 21. Someone Else's Song 22. Casino Queen 23. Black Eye 24. Please Tell My Brother 25. Dreamer In My Dreams 26. The Long Cut 27. Sugar Baby 28. True Love Will Find You In the End |
1997-11-23 | Jeff Tweedy | Mercury Lounge | New York, NY |
1. James Alley Blues 2. New Madrid 3. The Auld Triangle 4. Via Chicago 5. Forget The Flowers 6. I Got You (At The End Of The Century) 7. Hoodoo Voodoo 8. Passenger Side 9. She's A Jar 10. Wait Up 11. (Was I) In Your Dreams 12. Pecan Pie 13. Don't You Honey Me 14. Screen Door 15. Kingpin 16. Dreamer In My Dreams 17. Thirteen 18. Yesterday 19. Gun 20. Casino Queen 21. Outtasite (Outta Mind) 22. Acuff-Rose |
1997-11-24 | Jeff Tweedy | Iron Horse | Northampton, MA |
1. James Alley Blues 2. New Madrid 3. Forget The Flowers 4. The Auld Triangle 5. Via Chicago 6. Pecan Pie 7. Wait Up 8. Reflections On A Crystal Wind 9. I Got You (At The End Of The Century) 10. Hoodoo Voodoo 11. Box Full Of Letters 12. Please Tell My Brother 13. Sugar Baby 14. Kingpin 15. Dreamer In My Dreams 16. Give Back The Key To My Heart 17. Passenger Side 18. Casino Queen 19. Gun 20. Thirteen 21. The Long Cut 22. Outtasite (Outta Mind) 23. Acuff-Rose |
1998-03-25 | Jeff Tweedy | Lounge Ax | Chicago, IL |
1. Via Chicago 2. Hesitating Beauty 3. When The Roses Bloom Again 4. Forget The Flowers 5. John Wesley Harding 6. A Shot In The Arm 7. New Madrid 8. Christ For President 9. James Alley Blues 10. Red-Eyed And Blue 11. I Got You (At The End Of The Century) 12. Nothing'severgonnastandinmyway(again) 13. Passenger Side 14. Hoodoo Voodoo 15. Pecan Pie 16. Wait Up 17. California Stars 18. Misunderstood 19. I'm Always In Love 20. Thirteen 21. Yesterday |
1998-06-12 | Wilco | Lounge Ax | Chicago, IL |
1. Forget The Flowers 2. Hesitating Beauty 3. California Stars 4. I Must Be High 5. Christ For President 6. She's A Jar 7. Summer Teeth 8. New Madrid 9. Candyfloss 10. I Got You (At The End Of The Century) 11. Monday 12. I'm Always In Love 13. I'm Always In Love 14. Hoodoo Voodoo 15. Outta Mind (Outta Sight) 16. Casino Queen 17. 100 Years From Now 18. Via Chicago 19. Passenger Side 20. Passenger Side 21. James Alley Blues |
1998-06-13 | Wilco | Randall's Island (The Guinness Fleadh) | Randall's Island, NY |
1. Forget The Flowers 2. Hesitating Beauty 3. California Stars 4. I Must Be High 5. Christ For President 6. She's A Jar 7. New Madrid 8. Candyfloss 9. I Got You (At The End Of The Century) 10. Monday 11. I'm Always In Love 12. Hoodoo Voodoo |
1998-06-28 | Wilco | Spartan Stadium (The Guinness Fleadh) | San Jose, CA |
1. Forget The Flowers 2. Hesitating Beauty 3. California Stars 4. She's A Jar 5. Christ For President 6. New Madrid 7. Candyfloss 8. I Got You (At The End Of The Century) 9. Monday 10. I'm Always In Love 11. Outtasite (Outta Mind) 12. Hoodoo Voodoo |
1998-07-04 | Wilco | Summerfest | Milwaukee, WI |
1. California Stars 2. She's A Jar 3. Christ For President 4. New Madrid 5. At My Window Sad And Lonely 6. Passenger Side 7. I Must Be High 8. Candyfloss 9. I Got You (At The End Of The Century) 10. Monday 11. I'm Always In Love 12. Outta Mind (Outta Sight) 13. Hoodoo Voodoo 14. Casino Queen 15. Kingpin 16. Another Man's Done Gone 17. James Alley Blues |
1998-08-01 | Wilco | Marymoor Park (WOMAD) | Seattle, WA |
1. Forget The Flowers 2. Hesitating Beauty 3. California Stars 4. She's A Jar 5. New Madrid 6. Hesitating Beauty 7. Passenger Side 8. Christ For President 9. I'm Always In Love 10. I Got You (At The End Of The Century) 11. Monday 12. Hoodoo Voodoo |
1998-08-30 | Wilco | Horning's Hideout | North Plains, OR |
1. Forget The Flowers 2. California Stars 3. Hesitating Beauty 4. When The Roses Bloom Again 5. New Madrid 6. James Alley Blues 7. Someday Soon 8. She's A Jar 9. Christ For President 10. I'm Always In Love 11. Down In The Willow Garden 12. I Got You (At The End Of The Century) 13. I Must Be High 14. Monday 15. Passenger Side 16. At My Window Sad And Lonely 17. Another Man's Done Gone 18. Kingpin 19. Outtasite (Outta Mind) 20. Hoodoo Voodoo 21. Casino Queen |
1998-09-06 | Wilco | Promenade Park | Toledo, OH |
1. Forget The Flowers 2. California Stars 3. Hesitating Beauty 4. New Madrid 5. Someday Soon 6. She's A Jar 7. Passenger Side 8. Christ For President 9. I'm Always In Love 10. I Got You (At The End Of The Century) 11. Monday 12. Kingpin 13. Outtasite (Outta Mind) 14. James Alley Blues 15. When The Roses Bloom Again 16. I Must Be High 17. Hoodoo Voodoo 18. Casino Queen 19. Immigrant Song |
1998-11-12 | Jeff Tweedy | Lounge Ax | Chicago, IL |
1. Lost Love 2. Hesitating Beauty 3. Christ For President 4. I'm Always In Love 5. She's A Jar 6. A Shot In The Arm 7. Misunderstood 8. Please Tell My Brother 9. Hoodoo Voodoo 10. Pick Up The Change 11. The Auld Triangle 12. California Stars 13. Black Eye 14. I Wish My Baby Was Born 15. Via Chicago 16. Box Full Of Letters 17. How To Fight Loneliness 18. Candyfloss 19. I'm Only Sleeping 20. Should've Been In Love 21. Pecan Pie 22. Bob Dylan's 49th Beard 23. When The Roses Bloom Again 24. I Got You (At The End Of The Century) 25. When You Wake Up Feeling Old 26. Froggie Went A Courtin' 27. Passenger Side 28. Wait Up |
1998-12-31 | Wilco | The Fillmore | San Francisco, CA |
1. California Stars 2. Forget The Flowers 3. New Madrid 4. Hesitating Beauty 5. When The Roses Bloom Again 6. Someday Soon 7. Christ For President 8. She's A Jar 9. Can't Stand It 10. Hotel Arizona 11. Kingpin 12. 100 Years From Now 13. Monday 14. Outta Mind (Outta Sight) 15. Passenger Side (Britpop version) 16. I'm Always In Love 17. James Alley Blues 18. Far, Far Away 19. Red-Eyed And Blue 20. I Got You (At The End Of The Century) // S2: 21. I Must Be High 22. Hoodoo Voodoo 23. Casino Queen 24. Should I Stay Or Should I Go? 25. Casino Queen 26. Passenger Side (Punk version) // S3: 27. Give Back The Key To My Heart 28. Henry & The H Bombs 29. The Lonely 1 |
1999-02-17 | Wilco | House of Blues | New Orleans, LA |
1. Via Chicago 2. I'm Always In Love 3. How To Fight Loneliness 4. Hesitating Beauty 5. She's A Jar 6. California Stars 7. Christ For President 8. Passenger Side 9. Forget The Flowers 10. I Got You (At The End Of The Century) 11. We're Just Friends 12. Can't Stand It 13. Kingpin 14. Monday 15. Hoodoo Voodoo 16. Another Man's Done Gone 17. Outta Mind (Outta Sight) 18. Casino Queen 19. Dueling Banjos 20. James Alley Blues |
1999-03-05 | Jeff Tweedy | Harper College | Palatine, IL |
1. I'm Always In Love 2. A Shot In The Arm 3. Summer Teeth 4. She's A Jar 5. How To Fight Loneliness 6. Gun 7. Hesitating Beauty 8. Say You Miss Me 9. Lost Love 10. Pick Up The Change 11. I Wish My Baby Was Born 12. Satan, Your Kingdom Must Come Down 13. Far, Far Away 14. Please Tell My Brother 15. Via Chicago 16. Hoodoo Voodoo 17. Pecan Pie 18. Red-Eyed And Blue 19. I Got You (At The End Of The Century) 20. Christ For President 21. Passenger Side 22. Bob Dylan's 49th Beard 23. Sunken Treasure 24. New Madrid 25. California Stars 26. The Lonely 1 |
1999-03-25 | Wilco | Gruenspan | Hamburg, Germany |
1. I'm Always In Love 2. A Shot In The Arm 3. How To Fight Loneliness 4. Red-Eyed And Blue 5. I Got You (At The End Of The Century) 6. Say You Miss Me 7. We're Just Friends 8. Via Chicago 9. Forget The Flowers 10. Christ For President 11. She's A Jar 12. Passenger Side 13. Monday 14. Can't Stand It 15. In A Future Age 16. Summer Teeth 17. California Stars 18. When You Wake Up Feeling Old 19. Hoodoo Voodoo 20. Casino Queen 21. Outtasite (Outta Mind) |
1999-04-15 | Wilco | Canopy Club | Urbana, IL |
1. I'm Always In Love 2. Via Chicago 3. How To Fight Loneliness 4. Hotel Arizona 5. Nothing'severgonnastandinmyway(again) 6. Red-Eyed And Blue 7. I Got You (At The End Of The Century) 8. My Darling 9. She's A Jar 10. A Shot In The Arm 11. We're Just Friends 12. Hesitating Beauty 13. Christ For President 14. Passenger Side 15. Can't Stand It 16. Monday 17. In A Future Age 18. Summer Teeth 19. When You Wake Up Feeling Old 20. New Madrid 21. Forget The Flowers 22. California Stars 23. ELT 24. Casino Queen 25. Outta Mind (Outta Sight) 26. Hoodoo Voodoo |
1999-04-19 | Wilco | Pearl Street | Northampton, MA |
1. I'm Always In Love 2. Via Chicago 3. How To Fight Loneliness 4. Hotel Arizona 5. Nothing'severgonnastandinmyway(again) 6. Red-Eyed And Blue 7. I Got You (At The End Of The Century) 8. My Darling 9. She's A Jar 10. A Shot In The Arm 11. We're Just Friends 12. Hesitating Beauty 13. Christ For President 14. Passenger Side 15. Can't Stand It 16. Monday 17. In A Future Age 18. Summer Teeth 19. When You Wake Up Feeling Old 20. New Madrid 21. California Stars 22. ELT 23. Hoodoo Voodoo 24. Outtasite (Outta Mind) |
1999-04-21 | Wilco | Irving Plaza | New York, NY |
1. I'm Always In Love 2. Via Chicago 3. How To Fight Loneliness 4. Hotel Arizona 5. Nothing'severgonnastandinmyway(again) 6. Red-Eyed And Blue 7. I Got You (At The End Of The Century) 8. My Darling 9. She's A Jar 10. A Shot In The Arm 11. We're Just Friends 12. Hesitating Beauty 13. Christ For President 14. Passenger Side 15. Can't Stand It 16. Monday 17. In A Future Age 18. Summer Teeth 19. When You Wake Up Feeling Old 20. Forget The Flowers 21. Far, Far Away 22. California Stars 23. ELT 24. Hoodoo Voodoo 25. Casino Queen 26. Outtasite (Outta Mind) |
1999-04-23 | Wilco | The Avalon Ballroom | Boston, MA |
1. I'm Always In Love 2. Via Chicago 3. How To Fight Loneliness 4. Hotel Arizona 5. Nothing'severgonnastandinmyway(again) 6. Red-Eyed And Blue 7. I Got You (At The End Of The Century) 8. My Darling 9. She's A Jar 10. A Shot In The Arm 11. We're Just Friends 12. Hesitating Beauty 13. Christ For President 14. Passenger Side 15. Can't Stand It 16. Monday 17. In A Future Age // S2: 18. Summer Teeth 19. When You Wake Up Feeling Old 20. New Madrid 21. Forget The Flowers 22. California Stars // S3: 23. ELT 24. Casino Queen 25. Outtasite (Outta Mind) 26. Hoodoo Voodoo |
1999-05-07 | Wilco | Riviera Theatre | Chicago, IL |
1. I'm Always In Love 2. I Must Be High 3. Summer Teeth 4. How To Fight Loneliness 5. Hotel Arizona 6. Nothing'severgonnastandinmyway(again) 7. Red-Eyed And Blue 8. I Got You (At The End Of The Century) 9. She's A Jar 10. A Shot In The Arm 11. We're Just Friends 12. Hesitating Beauty 13. Christ For President 14. Passenger Side 15. My Darling 16. Can't Stand It 17. Monday // S2: 18. Via Chicago 19. Forget The Flowers 20. When You Wake Up Feeling Old 21. New Madrid 22. California Stars // S3: 23. ELT 24. Casino Queen 25. Outtasite (Outta Mind) // S4: 26. Hoodoo Voodoo |
1999-05-20 | Wilco | King Cat Theatre | Seattle, WA |
1. I'm Always In Love 2. I Must Be High 3. Summer Teeth 4. How To Fight Loneliness 5. Hotel Arizona 6. Nothing'severgonnastandinmyway(again) 7. Red-Eyed And Blue 8. I Got You (At The End Of The Century) 9. She's A Jar 10. A Shot In The Arm 11. We're Just Friends 12. Hesitating Beauty 13. Christ For President 14. Passenger Side 15. My Darling 16. Can't Stand It 17. Monday 18. Forget The Flowers 19. When You Wake Up Feeling Old 20. New Madrid 21. California Stars 22. Casino Queen 23. Outtasite (Outta Mind) 24. Hoodoo Voodoo |
1999-05-21 | Wilco | Roseland Theater | Portland, OR |
1. I'm Always In Love 2. I Must Be High 3. Summer Teeth 4. How To Fight Loneliness 5. Hotel Arizona 6. Nothing'severgonnastandinmyway(again) 7. Red-Eyed And Blue 8. I Got You (At The End Of The Century) 9. She's A Jar 10. A Shot In The Arm 11. We're Just Friends 12. Hesitating Beauty 13. Christ For President 14. Passenger Side 15. My Darling 16. Can't Stand It 17. Monday 18. Forget The Flowers 19. When You Wake Up Feeling Old 20. New Madrid 21. California Stars 22. ELT 23. Casino Queen 24. Outtasite (Outta Mind) 25. Hoodoo Voodoo |
1999-06-19 | Wilco | Olympia Theatre | Dublin, Ireland |
1. I'm Always In Love 2. I Must Be High 3. Summer Teeth 4. How To Fight Loneliness 5. Hotel Arizona 6. Nothing'severgonnastandinmyway(again) 7. Red-Eyed And Blue 8. I Got You (At The End Of The Century) 9. She's A Jar 10. A Shot In The Arm 11. We're Just Friends 12. Hesitating Beauty 13. Christ For President 14. Passenger Side 15. My Darling 16. Can't Stand It 17. Monday 18. Forget The Flowers 19. New Madrid 20. California Stars 21. Casino Queen 22. Outtasite (Outta Mind) 23. Hoodoo Voodoo |